Klinge Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-29

  • Anyone know Amazon share returns to retail investor since the 1st year of its listing or last 10 years? http://t.co/dZqatUbS #
  • Important outcome will set new precedent(s) involving SW-HW interaction, industrial design; perhaps even production http://t.co/rROdXFmQ #
  • Oh boy, seems like 1984 is coming & the lemmings are stepping fwd; tell me I'm wrong? http://t.co/iNQjY9rt #
  • Oops, perhaps Samsung cld ve been a bit less conspicuous in prod design BUT Nice to have alternatives to i Phone 🙂 http://t.co/JxV24SFO #
  • Apple 2 sustain its success must keep climbing in higher value product levels via innovation to stay above ruthless co…http://t.co/JdsCtaIm #
  • More device usage; what behaviors and products you think this replaces? http://t.co/R4tN0Umb #
  • http://t.co/N9sgOIfU Leadership and the management team should inform the go to market strategy based on mission/vision and alignment of… #
  • Drucker contribution thank you to Erika Andersen in the IMD alumni group http://t.co/iUd1zEmj #
  • simple leadership principles http://t.co/twos6M9N #

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