- Yeah what did happen @ Goldman? good insights… is it going public, lack of firm partnership, focus on real client bi…http://t.co/HN96hXcn #
- search marketing: I attended 2 utah networking/speaking events the last 2 months. I'm impressed by the organization's…http://t.co/OyFVUmbv #
- good insights on how to apply storytelling skills to youtube http://t.co/VwIR3pgy #
- good insigths on how to use storytelling skills in youtube http://t.co/VwIR3pgy #
- True or NOT the perception of Goldman Sachs culture & behavior becomes their negative reality. Few people before 2008 …http://t.co/g62750Sz #
- Fun word play on key revenue obstacle http://t.co/MYTtCQoa #
- Facts on Private Equity's bain capital on job creation & performance http://t.co/64ExvK4q #
- i like the way Hamel describes social media alleviate IF not remove top down hierarchy to be sure good ideas develop w…http://t.co/Z7f3PHjr #
- Brazil travel profile. Beautiful descriptions of the sites http://t.co/GV4JL4Vu #
- Cuidado with what you message on the web. Commercial pressures for social cos will put great emphasis on monetizing da…http://t.co/ZLNnaanH #
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