Tick,Tech, Tock 2012 Technology Excitement Review

This year was full of so much business news about products, innovation and finance. Most true in technology with topics on IPO, leadership and the void in Steve Jobs passing; as well as points about design, marketing, customers. Let’s not … Continue reading

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Klinge Business Growth Ideas

Happy Halloween! Hopes and Prayers to everyone in the East suffering in the aftermath of Sandy. Three Growth Ideas to bring to your attention. Story of one of the greatest business decisions- Intel Business Warfare and the power of positioning. … Continue reading

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Great Business Ideas- Intel’s Greatest Decision- what Peter Klinge Learned

Fortune’s latest issue highlights how Intel made one of history’s greatest business decisions. The concept and implementation of Intel Inside in the early 90’s changed technology marketing and introduced or reintroduced the notion of ingredient branding. What few people may … Continue reading

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Business Warfare: Mass, Superiority, Economy, Initiative, Simplicity

A dear friend and long time associate Brad Majors and I love history. We often talked about military history and the inevitable comparisons to sport, and the game of business. Warfare is an unfortunate part of human history. Nonetheless, when … Continue reading

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How to Build a Small Company… Don’t Sell too soon

Over the Memorial Weekend we ventured out to Eastern Utah to visit the famous dinosaur park. A remarkable siteā€¦ Utah is filled with all kinds of wonders. People are familiar with the gorgeous national parks, skiing, and perhaps even recall … Continue reading

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